I don't like snow cones.

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Frank Sanns
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I don't like snow cones.

Post: # 5725Post Frank Sanns
Tue Aug 16, 2022 10:47 pm

I figured I would kick this forum off with a post that some will agree with but most won't. Change snow cones to another subject and let's see what shakes out. That is the spirt of those section. Just keep it civil please.

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Re: I don't like snow cones.

Post: # 5727Post uponamouse
Wed Aug 17, 2022 2:51 am

I'll play. It's been quiet around here. I can't recall eating snow cones as a kid. I'm sure I've had at least one in my life. I wasn't encouraged/allowed to buy from the ice cream bikes or trucks. There were ice cream treats at the snack bar of the swimming pool we went to. I would get a Drumstick or a popsicle occasionally. That was my main source for that stuff. At home, we would have occasional neopolitan ice cream (I avoided the strawberry), or get root beer from the drive-in shop and vanilla ice cream (for floats); and popsicles sometimes. Later, more flavors (and better ice cream) such as butter pecan (I didn't eat that) and peppermint stick around Xmas (great stuff). But snow cones? Never really saw the appeal...
Cheers, Tom

Frank Sanns
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Re: I don't like snow cones.

Post: # 5728Post Frank Sanns
Wed Aug 17, 2022 2:28 pm

I avoided the strawberry too! Maybe subconsciously we were avoiding the Red Dye #2 before we even knew it has bad health consequences.

When it was snack time, there were too many other better options than frozen shaved ice with some colored sugar on it.

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Re: I don't like snow cones.

Post: # 6287Post Leesa
Sun Jun 25, 2023 4:10 am

Grew up in Texas where the summers were scorchers. Loved snow cones, especially the part where the little hole opened up at the end of the paper cone and sugar water dripped down your arm and off your elbow. Well, maybe not that part, actually, but the rest I loved.

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Re: I don't like snow cones.

Post: # 6417Post Wood&Steel
Fri Nov 03, 2023 12:14 pm

I much preferred what we knew as “Italian Water Ice”. More slushy than a sno-cone, and the flavoring didn’t separate from the ice! They were 10¢ and I can remember rounding up pop bottles to get one.

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