Site Update

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Joined: Fri Oct 12, 2018 12:22 am

Site Update

Post: # 94Post Forum Admin
Wed Oct 17, 2018 4:28 pm

All is looking good on the site from my end. Please let me know if anybody is having any issues with the site.

We are only now coming live on the search engines. It was a bit of a slow process on my end because I did not want the site crawled continuously, incessantly, and unnecessarily driving up the the bandwidth (hosting costs) of the site. The balance is to get us out on the web with pertinent information and not extraneous information. There is no reason to be doing an exhaustive crawl of everything from our registration page, to our member list, to emoji, to items related to the structure of the site itself. We want pertinent data out there so people can search and find us and the data. I have temporarily changed the title of the site for the moment to line out the search engines. I think we are close to that now. Let's see how the Google search looks in the next 24 hours to see if we have to release more structure or if we are good.


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