New member and an Old(er) guitar

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New member and an Old(er) guitar

Post: # 4469Post Rmccamey
Wed Jul 28, 2021 4:10 pm

New to the Forum but not new to Collings. In the late '80's and during the 90's, I started hearing these "booming" guitars at bluegrass festivals around the country. They did not have the Martin script on the headstock and they had a much more powerful voice and projection. I soon discovered these were Collings guitars. Being made in Austin, I had to check them out and it was not long until GAS hit hard, so I began saving my money until that fateful day!!! About the same time, I was struggling with my playing. As most of us have done, I started with and played dreadnaughts for many year and they were getting "bulky" to me and just less comfortable than I wanted. I began to look more closely at the smaller bodied guitars and the OM bodies just seemed to "fit me". So, when the big day came to order, I took a chance and, well, "what a long, strange trip it's been" - and I mean that in the very best way!

In 1998, I became the proud owner of a brand new Collings OM3 Sitka/Koa. As much as tone is important, instruments are also a visual media and I've always loved figured woods on guitars. This Koa is amazing both in sound and in visual appeal. I can't keep my eyes off her! Collings did not brand their cases at the time, so mine was sent in an American Vintage Series Tweed case by TKL.

(And I've included a few examples of my other hobby - collecting vintage hats. One pic shows a 1930's Berteil bowler from Paris. The other is a Peacock green Stetson Stratoliner from the 1950's.)

Thanks for having me. I hope to learn more from everyone here.
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Retire? What am I going to do, sit on my front porch and play my guitar all day? Hell, I already do that!
Charlie Daniels

Red Oak
Posts: 433
Joined: Mon Jan 18, 2021 4:00 am

Re: New member and an Old(er) guitar

Post: # 4483Post Red Oak
Sat Jul 31, 2021 10:31 pm

Welcome to our neighborhood!!

Your guitar is gorgeous.

Play it in good health!!!

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