Over the weekend, I spent some time at TR Crandall, in Manhattan, and played a preowned 2021 D-1A that was hands-down the nicest, best sounding, easiest playing Collings guitar on which I had ever laid hands. Its tone is clear, articulate, with a good amount of volume, and much more warmth than I have experienced with this builder. Setup was perfect for flat picking, and easy under the fretting fingers.
It isn't listed on the website. Naturally, GAS struck like a virus, and I have been trying to come up with ways to do some horse trading, juggle funds, trade something in, etc. Most of us have been there, right? If you're in the NY metro area, I suggest you check this one out, especially if you're in the market.
Someone needs to buy this baby so I can get my mind right again.
(No affiliation with TR Crandall except that I am a longtime customer.)