A Really Good 2021 Collings D-1A

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howard lee
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A Really Good 2021 Collings D-1A

Post: # 6295Post howard lee
Mon Jul 03, 2023 1:49 pm

I have had three Collings guitars pass through my home because I couldn't bond with them. And I know they were very nice guitars—a 2002 CJMhA, a 2011 D-1A, and a 2014 SJ.

Over the weekend, I spent some time at TR Crandall, in Manhattan, and played a preowned 2021 D-1A that was hands-down the nicest, best sounding, easiest playing Collings guitar on which I had ever laid hands. Its tone is clear, articulate, with a good amount of volume, and much more warmth than I have experienced with this builder. Setup was perfect for flat picking, and easy under the fretting fingers.

It isn't listed on the website. Naturally, GAS struck like a virus, and I have been trying to come up with ways to do some horse trading, juggle funds, trade something in, etc. Most of us have been there, right? If you're in the NY metro area, I suggest you check this one out, especially if you're in the market.

Someone needs to buy this baby so I can get my mind right again. 🤪

(No affiliation with TR Crandall except that I am a longtime customer.)

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Re: A Really Good 2021 Collings D-1A

Post: # 6308Post DenverSteve
Tue Jul 11, 2023 8:09 pm

If it's that good.......... it sounds like something you should beg, barter, trade or sell to purchase. 😏 I certainly wouldn't be telling folks like me to go buy it, we might. 😱
Shalom, Steve
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howard lee
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Re: A Really Good 2021 Collings D-1A

Post: # 6313Post howard lee
Sat Jul 15, 2023 12:10 am

DenverSteve wrote: Tue Jul 11, 2023 8:09 pm If it's that good.......... it sounds like something you should beg, barter, trade or sell to purchase. 😏 I certainly wouldn't be telling folks like me to go buy it, we might. 😱
Well, Steve, I am at that point in life at which I am just not buying new guitars (takes too long to break them in). I have a few here with which I have bonded over the years, I play them, and they are all nicely broken in and opened up. Additionally, my wife and I are in the middle of a pricey kitchen renovation, so buying a relatively new guitar... we have heard this all before, haven't we?

A return visit to TR Crandall is in order, I suppose, and a reëvaluation. In all honesty, I know there is some major Collings fan in the world a lot younger than I am who would love this guitar for a lot longer than I'll be upright.

howard lee
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Re: A Really Good 2021 Collings D-1A

Post: # 6477Post howard lee
Sun Jan 07, 2024 7:06 pm

It's still there, people. I am shocked that no one has jumped on this instrument.


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Re: A Really Good 2021 Collings D-1A

Post: # 6499Post MattS67
Thu Jan 25, 2024 10:54 am

What is their asking price?

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Re: A Really Good 2021 Collings D-1A

Post: # 6564Post nels2481
Wed Feb 21, 2024 4:12 am

I was about ready to jump on this but ended up buying a D-1AT with a baked top from Eddie’s guitars over Presidents’ Day. It was a new old stock and couldn’t pass up the good deal. :D

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