WL-12 MH & JP Pure Nickle Wound Lights ++ Good

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WL-12 MH & JP Pure Nickle Wound Lights ++ Good

Post: # 1698Post Tenzin
Sun Sep 01, 2019 1:29 pm

I'd be the first to complain, but let me give credit where it's due. I must have tried six different sets of strings in as many months. I'm not complaining...one has to 'get it 'right'. After going through many posts here I thought I'd give John Pearse strings a try. I never used JP before. Again, from posts here, I decided on the pure nickle wound. This is the first set that sounded great from the moment they went on. Hopefully they'll last a bit. (I don't mind changing even every month...but I had Nickle D'addario strings that sound descent, to me, for about a week.)

I'm always reluctant to post because I want the more smartly people to stand out! I spend way more time searching and reading and it has been quite beneficial. Thanks everyone. All those in the US, take tomorrow off!
Whatever it is you're seeking won't come in the form you're expecting.

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Re: WL-12 MH & JP Pure Nickle Wound Lights ++ Good

Post: # 1714Post Cameleye
Sun Sep 08, 2019 10:21 pm

Thanks for the string suggestion. I've a WL-12 Mh that I took in trade with plans to flip and have been posting it for sale for a little while now.
However a strange thing is happening. Rather than let it sit unplayed I decided to use it and maybe break it in for the next owner.
Now the sad news .. I've taken quite a shine to it and am questioning whether to sell it or not. Benn playing it more and more, to the point that the strings need replacing.
So thank you for the timely post, I'll try a set of the JPs on it just for kicks.

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Re: WL-12 MH & JP Pure Nickle Wound Lights ++ Good

Post: # 2264Post Cameleye
Tue Mar 17, 2020 3:11 pm

So,I still have the guitar. Ended up really liking it after all.
Recently tried a set of Martin Retros on it .... not sure if I like these strings better than the EJ16s that were on it before.
They do seem to enhance the bass though. More later. Jury's out.

Silly Moustache
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Re: WL-12 MH & JP Pure Nickle Wound Lights ++ Good

Post: # 2310Post Silly Moustache
Mon Mar 30, 2020 10:07 pm

Hi folks, in November 2016, I went out to buy a Gibson l-oo, and came home with a WL12 which,to me sunded better than a number of Gibsons in the shop.

Once home I couldn't get to enjoy it, and in January, they told me I had throat cancer, and the guitar went up on the wall in my study, opposite big ol' speakers which, whenever I'm in there, plays mainly talk radio.

2017, was not a good year, and I didn't really start to feel better until autumn, but still had issues with strength and talking. I hadn't even been thinking much about playing, but one day I took it down, and "whoa!" that thing had opened up remarkably.

I decided to use it when teaching some folks. Then one day a chap with a really heavy Aria jumbo leant his guitar against a chair avoiding the stand I'd provided for him ... and it fell ... on my WL-12 - two big dents on the top!

So, I'm keeping it.

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Re: WL-12 MH & JP Pure Nickle Wound Lights ++ Good

Post: # 2366Post Cameleye
Mon Apr 13, 2020 5:33 pm

Sorry to hear that, SM. First dings hurt the worst.
While your WL-12 is not all mahogany as referenced above,I'll bet it does sound good.
For some reason, I'm beginning to think Waterloo 12 fretters have the edge over their 14 fret counterparts.

Strings update on my all hog 12 fretter: the Martin monels broke in and gradually sounded better than when new
but in the end I think the EJ16s provided a tad better treble quality to the overall tone of this little 00.

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Re: WL-12 MH & JP Pure Nickle Wound Lights ++ Good

Post: # 2799Post Cameleye
Wed Aug 19, 2020 2:49 pm

Switched back to D'A pb lights and am definitely happier with the sound. Smoother, more subtile.
The monels were just too dry and fundamental for an otherwise already dry and fundamental all hog waterloo.

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Re: WL-12 MH & JP Pure Nickle Wound Lights ++ Good

Post: # 5344Post ncTom
Thu Mar 03, 2022 11:54 pm

I'm sorry, but I've never found a d'Addario string I like. I think the Monel strings, either by Martin or John Pearse were made for my WL12Mh. They are admittedly a little quiet but are completely without the overtones of PB strings, a much later innovation in string development. The historic tone of Monel has the edge over PB to me on the all mahogany guitars; I do think that PB is well suited to the spruce topped models, however.

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Re: WL-12 MH & JP Pure Nickle Wound Lights ++ Good

Post: # 5356Post StephenT
Sat Mar 05, 2022 10:30 am

D'Addario NB1253 Nickel Bronze Acoustic Guitar Strings are the strings for me on my WL-12. Retros just don't do it,..

Red Oak
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Re: WL-12 MH & JP Pure Nickle Wound Lights ++ Good

Post: # 5376Post Red Oak
Mon Mar 14, 2022 6:46 pm

StephenT wrote: Sat Mar 05, 2022 10:30 am D'Addario NB1253 Nickel Bronze Acoustic Guitar Strings are the strings for me on my WL-12. Retros just don't do it,..
This is a very helpful post for Waterloo players. Thanks for sharing your experience with NB 1253s!!

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Re: WL-12 MH & JP Pure Nickle Wound Lights ++ Good

Post: # 5660Post rinlow75
Tue Jun 28, 2022 7:26 pm

Just grabbed a set for my WL-12. Thanks

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