WANTED, Help running the forum day to day

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WANTED, Help running the forum day to day

Post: # 4170Post Forum Admin
Sun May 23, 2021 9:30 pm

Many of you might not know but I have been the sole keeper of this Collings Forum for a while now. Since the beginning of the year, Elambo, the moderator from the old site, and during the first two years of this site, has appropriately taken a respite from moderation.

Being a moderator or often the person removing spam, is a time consuming operation and he had other things to focus on. He is still a member of the site but he is not visiting as frequently as a moderator would. We are all grateful for his work but totally understand his focusing on other things in his life after so many years of dedicated moderation.

This site has run without any need for "moderation" between members so far and that is great news. Unfortunately, the forum also has spam posts and other hanging or old post clean up that is necessary from time to time of which I admit I sometimes miss.

The forum does require viewing the site multiple times per day to monitor what is going on and I am not always in position to do that as my work and travel often find me without any internet for a good part of the day. Spam and problems with the website may be occurring while I am not available so the problem can exist for an entire day until I discover it and fix it. For this reason, I am asking for a volunteer (or two) to be a moderator/clean up person(s) on the site and to message me if there is any problem with the site being down or any glitches on the site.

The person(s) would also have moderator privileges however, I am looking for somebody that is mostly hands off except in the most extreme of circumstances. I believe in free speech and do not want posts removed because of alternative views. We are all adults and can listen to each other. Keep it civil, respectful, legal, and friendly and all will be good as this forum has been so far. Thank you all for that!

If you are interesting in volunteering, please post in this thread or send me a PM if you prefer. Nominations in this thread is also a way for members to pick who they might like to be a moderator. Hopefully some names will appear.

Frank Sanns

Red Oak
Posts: 433
Joined: Mon Jan 18, 2021 4:00 am

Re: WANTED, Help running the forum day to day

Post: # 4205Post Red Oak
Mon May 31, 2021 12:57 pm

If I didn’t travel so much,I’d love to help!

We have many great members so I have confidence others will step up!

Thanks for all you do!!!

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Re: WANTED, Help running the forum day to day

Post: # 4212Post Forum Admin
Tue Jun 01, 2021 3:57 am

Thank you.

It is more about keeping the forum cleaned up than anything. I am cool with doing it myself as long as members are tolerant of a spam post or a brief blue forum appearance that may last for the better part of a day until I get to it. Not trying to pass off work but rather to be responsive to anything that may pop up in my absence.

Actually, it is very helpful when people report the spam to me via the forum. That sends me an email and I know I have to get on it. So if anybody sees spam or something else that is not right, please click on the REPORT POST tab and I will be notified. It is the exclamation point on the top right side of the post.

Red Oak
Posts: 433
Joined: Mon Jan 18, 2021 4:00 am

Re: WANTED, Help running the forum day to day

Post: # 4221Post Red Oak
Wed Jun 02, 2021 4:28 pm

Great advice to those of us who use this great site!!!

Any help we can provide you pales in comparison to all you do for us!!!

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